The Code For: Mortgage Calculator
//get values on btnCalculate press / controller
function getValues() {
//reset cols
//collect & parse data
let loanAmount = parseFloat(document.getElementById('loanAmount').value);
let payments = parseFloat(document.getElementById('month').value);
//allow for float later
let rate = parseFloat(document.getElementById('rate').value);
//validate data
//pass data to calculate function
let results = calculateLoan(loanAmount, payments, rate);
//pass in calculations display data in table
//calculate amounts / logic
function calculateLoan(loanAmount, payments, rate) {
//object for months
let resultsObject = {};
//create variables
let totalInterest = 0;
let balance = loanAmount;
let interestPayment = 0
let principalPayment;
//monthly calculations
let monthlyPayment = parseFloat((loanAmount * (rate / 1200)) / (1 - (1 + (rate / 1200)) ** (-Math.abs(payments))));
//string to store in html
let htmlString = ""
//loop through number of payments do calculations
for (let i = 0; i <= payments; i++) {
let month = i;
interestPayment = parseFloat(balance * (rate / 1200));
principalPayment = parseFloat(monthlyPayment - (balance * (rate / 1200)));
totalInterest = parseFloat((totalInterest + interestPayment));
totalInterest = parseFloat(totalInterest);
balance -= principalPayment;
balance = Math.abs(parseFloat(balance));
//concatinate on to htmlString the results of the calculations
htmlString += `${month+1} ${monthlyPayment.toFixed(2)} ${principalPayment.toFixed(2)} ${interestPayment.toFixed(2)} ${totalInterest.toFixed(2)} ${balance.toFixed(2)} `
let totalCost = loanAmount + totalInterest;
// display calculated variables to proper positions while inside function
resultsObject.monthlyPayment = (monthlyPayment);
resultsObject.principalPayment = (principalPayment);
resultsObject.totalInterest = (totalInterest);
resultsObject.totalCost = (totalCost);
resultsObject.htmlString = htmlString;
//return results object
return resultsObject;
//display the data in a table / view
function displayData(resultsObject) {
document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").innerHTML = resultsObject.monthlyPayment;
document.getElementById("totalPrincipal").innerHTML = resultsObject.principalPayment;
document.getElementById("totalInterest").innerHTML = resultsObject.totalInterest;
document.getElementById("totalCost").innerHTML = resultsObject.totalCost;
//creates table
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = resultsObject.htmlString;
The Code is structure in three function.
The function getValues takes all three parameter i.e. loan amount, months and rate from the page.
Calculate Loan
The function Calculate loan takes all the parameter got from getValues function and use in calculating interest payment, principal amount, monthly payment and balance. It also stores in the resultsObject.
The functinon displayData will display all the calculated values in form of a table rows and columns to the user.